Sunday, May 29, 2005

a trip to Madagascar (the movie that is...)

saturday was great!!! first it was kinda cloudy, raining and thunder shook.. but in awhile, the sun shined on me and that's were i went to Glorietta to meet up with my 'chi'! ehehehe!! (hi ChI!)

Melman, Marty, Alex, Gloria [Image hosted by]

we met at G4 and of course happy that i am smiled at my chi.. even though we arrived late for the screening of 'Madagascar', we still bought tickets went inside.. it was to be our first movie together hehe! naks! shit! waah! it was a full house.. everyone, kids and wanna-be-kids, watched the movie.. we were standing at first, and we brought food from Wendy's too.. haay. after awhile, we had seats and started watching it again from the start.. the movie was funny and great! i like Gloria the Hippo!! she's cute hahaha! and also the Penguins.. hehe!

Gloria the Hippo--taken from [Image hosted by]

after the movie, we strolled around the mall... hmmm and decided to go to a billiard hall in Palanan, Makati near his place.. well when we arrived there were no more billiards.. so, we just chilled at the place, talked, and that's it.. haha (sorry censored part starts here.. ;p) i also got the chance to met chi's friends.. they're very nice so i got along with them well.. the night ended when rain started to pour and decided to go home before my mom's scolds me again.. hehe!

even though the day was quite short for me and chi, i enjoyed my time and it was all worth it.. haay.. miss you chi!!! :D until next time..

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

a lil bit of poetry

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Robert Frost (1874-1963)

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
-To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

*Taken from

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

My Ilocos Vacation: Day 3

so to continue on with my Ilocos vacation.. here it goes.. :)

Pagudpud beach [Image hosted by]
it was may 3, 2005.. i was so excited because we were going to Pagudpud to swim at the beach.. the last time i was there was in1998 i guess.. the place is like Boracay because of the sand.. well, its not actually white as in Boracay, the sand color is somewhat ivory in color..

anyway, we left Sarrat in the morning and arrived at Pagudpud.. the small town is located at the northern part of Ilocos Norte.. we were at the northernmost tip of the Luzon island..

when we arrived at the 'Villa del Mar' beach resort, we gathered our things placed it at the cottage.. of course, the photo addict that i am, i got some pictures of the beach and the surrounding areas.. if u wanna see some pix, go to

i put some Nivea Sun block lotion all over my body.. oooh! hehe! and after awhile, i headed to the beach.. wow it was so cool! it was my first time again to swim in the beach.. waaah! i missed it so much hehe! too bad, i don't know how to swim so i just soaked myself there.. hahaha!!!

after the beach swimming we had lunch at the cottage.. wow dami na namang food.. hehe! sarap! :) after lunch, i went to take a shower at the nearby bathroom and took a rest... i listened to the radio in my Walkman and haha! i'm hearing Taiwanese radio haha!! (hmmm i don't know if F4 music was playing that time hehehe!)

well, to top it all.. the beach thing at Pagudpud was great.. i was able to enjoy my stay at Ilocos and that was what i've been expecting to do there.. :p i hope next summer, i would enjoy the beach again, hmm maybe in Puerto Galera or in Boracay.. :D

first day of classes

monday, may 23, 2005.. it may not mean so much to other people; to them it was just an ordinary monday.. but for thousands of Lasallian (and Benildean as well) students, it was a day they surely must remember coz it's.. THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL YEAR 2005-2006!!!

so.. it was my fourth year in ol' De La Salle and my second year in my Political Science degree.. weird huh? hehe! my schedule for this term is great.. i fixed it up well.. here's my schedule:

LITERA2 1430-1530
PHILORL 1540-1640
LBYBIOL 0810-1110
LITERA2 1430-1530
PHILORL 1540-1640
BIOARTS 1440-1540
GENDERS 1620-1750

anyway, i went to school via LRT2 and LRT1.. i was with Rod when we went to school.. i was quite late in my LITERA2 class but it was ok.. my classmate in PHILPER last term was there so it was cool to have a friend with me.. :) well, as usual, first days of classes were boring! Syllabi and orientations... hehe!

well, it was nice to be in school again.. i saw a lot of Froshies (Lasallian term for Freshmen)again.. new faces; new professors; new paint! hehe! it feels good to be in La Salle again.. i wish for a wonderful SY 2005-2006.. :D

Monday, May 23, 2005

looking back at Summer 2005

Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte [Image hosted by]
as the summer season goes to end.. i just can't help but reminisce a wonderful summer break that i had.. the moment summer vacation started after my course card distribution, i expected to enjoy this summer 2005.

first of all, the trip out-of-town to the Ilocos provinces was a blast.. even though the travel distance took its toll on me, it was still a fun break for me.. swimming at the 'Boracay of the North' Pagudpud was what i needed.. chill and relaxation..

gimik with my friends, in Glorietta, Greenbelt, Eastwood, Ortigas, The Fort and also in Malate (uyy JM, Jason, Anthony, PA, Edward, Rod... musta? hehe) was fun.. hanging out with friends was what i really needed..

the FHM event at the NBC Tent with Ryan, Jonard and Eddie was something.. the first such event i ever attended.. lots of hot chics and babes ramped at the stage in their most seducing outfits.. waah what more a guy can ask for? :p well, guys, next time.. bring a decent camera haha!

..and now, summer for me ended early with the start of our First Term, in ol' De La Salle, this may 23.. even though i was hoping that i could still enjoy my summer break with family and friends, there are some things that i have to do too.. finishing my studies is one thing!

well, summer 2005.. thanks for a wonderful time that u've given to me! until then.. i'll wait for next year's summer.. i'm planning to go to Boracay next year.. i hope so hehe!

peace to all! :p

>> May 23 (Mon): First Day of the First Term SY 2005-2006
>> i watched the 'Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith' last May 19 with Rod.. great movie! :D
>> Malate last Friday, May 2o with JM, Jason, Anthony, PA, and Rod.. (guys! i had a great time! next time Saturday night out na ah.. hehe)

Friday, May 20, 2005

the force was strong last thurs..

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith [Image hosted by]weeee!!! the saga has ended.. officially i guess.. with the showing of the last episode of the 'Star Wars' movie series.. since 1979, 'Star Wars' had captivated many audiences with the life of the Jedi heroes and the struggles against the dark forces..

last thursday, me and my friend, Rod, went to SM Megamall to watch the "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith' in that episode, Anakin Skywalker has chosen to be on the dark side of the force, under the tutelage of Chancellor Palpatine, who was really the Sith Lord, Darth Sedious (right spelling ba? hehe) well, for those who haven't seen the 3rd episode or even the last 5 episodes, well i suggest u start watching it.. from Episode I to the fifth episode.. hehe!

it was a great day.. watching my fave movie and with a friend too.. ehehe ang lamig lamig pa sa movie house waaaah! i was shivering!!!! (grrrr!) :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

stranded at the mall..

waaah.. what a weather!!! first it was sunny and hot.. my sweat was dripping over my body..
and now.. rain?? wtf!!! waaaaah!!!

haaay.. i bought some stuff at Watsons today in Sta Lucia Mall.. shampoo, soap, deo, and Gardenia bread.. after i bought all the things that i needed (including my Globe and Sun load and internet), brownout struck.. ohh nooo!!!!!! it was raining hard!! waaaaaah! and commute lang ako... =(

anyway.. i'm gonna just chill out here at Netopia.. and chat my heartout hahaha!!!!

> yey!! lapit na ang screening ng "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith' yey!!! =)
> yey!! lapit na rin pasukan.. sa may 23 na!!! Animo La Salle!

My Ilocos Vacation: Day 2

it was may 2.. i woke up at around 7am. we ate breakfast at the same house last night (may 1). hmmm.. wat was the agenda for that day? well, we're going to Pagudpud the next day, may 3 and i'm so excited to see the place for the 2nd time.. (the first time i was in Pagudpud was last summer 1999 if i'm not mistaken) anyway moving along.. :)

it was kinda boring in the house that we were staying in because there was no TV;
no PC wahahaha! i only had my Walkman and 2 cassette tapes (Boyz II Men and Dreamsounds 2). the whole day i wasn't doing anything.. waah. the day 2 was kinda boring.. i wanna go to Pagudpod today i told myself..

there was a celebration at the same house we we're last night.. it was a baptismal celebration for a certain 'baby boy' i dunno the name.. so of course there's food served.. yey!!! sarap! hehe!!! ice cream pa later.. :p yum yum!!!! but it was so freakin' hot.. it was around noon.. wheww!!! i was sweating like hell..

hmm late at night.. the usual.. dinner again at the same house.. Ilocono dishes again.. waaah my diet.. sira na wahahaha!!!! i'm excited for the Pagudpud trip the next day.. it's what i've been waiting for.. :)

Monday, May 16, 2005

new layout..

waaah.. i never thought that this would happen..
brand new layout.. waah thanks von!!! ang galing mo talaga hehehe!!!! =D


sunday greenbelt night

sunday was supposed to be a 'family day' where we go to the mall to eat, shop and hangout.. well, it wasn't coz my mom went to her home province (Western Samar) at around 9.30am.. she was with Tita Chit.. by now, she's in Gandara, her hometown! take care mom.. =)

anyway, sunday was also 'church day'! i attended the mass, as usual, at 10am in our village chapel.. i'm the acolyte, the cutest guy in church wahahaha! (feeling!) my sis and I ate lunch around 12.30pm.. and i bummed around the house the whole afternoon doing the usual stuff.. (tv, computer, text)..

my aunt Loleng and pamanking Danica arrived to spend the week with us while mom was away.. good thing! when all was settled and decided to spend the night at home, my friend Edward (hi!! :p) asked me out with his besty, Kabbie and hangout at Greenbelt 3.. at first i hesitated, since it was already 6pm.. after i ate dinner prepared by Tita Loleng, i fixed myself up and went to Greenbelt.. whoooo! it was still hot.. i rode the fx to Cubao and then took the MRT to Ayala..

i met Edward and Kabbie at 'Kitchen' near Seattle's Best Coffee.. well, we talked about anything.. about life, work, and 'P' hahaha!!! anyway, that's confidential :p after dinner, we strolled around the place, there were a few people.. coz its sunday.. we decided to watch a movie.. We watched 'The Interpreter' starring Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn.. it was a nice movie and it was all about Silvia Broome (Nicole Kidman), an interpreter at the United Nations and her quiet life changed when she heard assassination conspiracy against the president of Motabo during a General Assembly speech at the UN. Sean Penn was the Secret Service agent in-charge of the case. well, that's a sneak peek at the movie.. watch it!!!

after the movie, waah it was already 1.15am.. we all went home; took separate taxis.. i was home at 1.30am.. haay.. that was my sunday.. =)

> i'm gonna watch 'Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith' on may 19, thursday with a friend! wahaha!!!
> hmmm, i'm still working on my 'Ilocos vacation: Day 2' (tinatamad pa ako.. :p)
> ..that's all for now.. tc guys! :D

Saturday, May 14, 2005

A Letter To the One that God has Prepared For Me

I am wondering at this very minute if you are thinking of me, if you, like me, are wondering what is taking us so long to find each other. Many times I thought I finally found you only to be disillusioned by the fact that my wait has not yet ended. I get up each morning hoping, dreaming, longing to meet you.

I am thinking of how we will meet, would it be as romantic as the ones I have seen in movies? Or is it possible that I have known you all my life but we have yet to realize that we are meant for each other? Oh how I wish you were here right now because you are the only one who has the answers to all my questions. Sometimes I ask myself if I have ever really known "love". I do not have the answer to that question either but I believe that, more often than not, we will never really know what love is until we find that right person.... and since I have not found you yet, then maybe I do not really know what love is!

You just don't know how often I dream of finally knowing what it feels like to be in your arms. Even at this very moment I am imagining how you will simply sweep me off my feet! Perhaps I would be drawn to you by your smile, or your eyes, or maybe even how you manage to make me laugh by your silly little ways! I don't really know for sure but I am praying that God will help me recognize you when the right time comes.

I think of all the pain that I have gone through in the past and of how much I have cried since the day I began my search. I just wanted you to know that I find my strength in clinging onto my vision of the beautiful life ahead of me --- the life I shall spend with you. In my mind and in my heart I know that you are worth all that pain and sacrifice. After all, the tears have become a part of my life and I believe that they are slowly washing away my flaws so that I would become perfect, not perfect in its truest sense, but perfect --- for YOU! I wonder if you've gone through so much pain as well. I wonder if you've been hurt so many times along the journey. But my dearest one, please don't ever give up because I am right here ... patiently waiting for you! I assure you that when we finally find each other I would slowly heal those wounds by my love.

At night, I would look out my window and stare at the beautiful sky, hoping that somehow you are also looking up and wondering about me. I utter a silent prayer and send all my cries to the heavens above thinking that in time they would reach you. And when I feel impatient, I just close my eyes and believe that you are on your way and that you are longing to see me as well. It is funny but when I finally fall asleep, it is still you that I think of, for you are always in my dreams. It seems that, for now, that is the only place where I can hold on to you, long enough to tell you how much I love you. In my dreams you would kiss away my fears and wrap me with your arms of love.

And this, all the more, makes me want to wake up and face the new day ahead with the hope that soon enough, you will no longer be a dream but a reality and once again I am assured that you are worth the wait. And when that time comes, everything will fall into its place, just as I had imagined, just as I had thought and dreamed, just as I had believed it would be! By then, I would simply look back and smile at all that I have gone through, in spite of the pain and amidst the simple joys of life --- and I would be very thankful because they all led me to you!

In the meantime, take care of yourself for me. Hold on to our dream and don't even think of letting go. Believe in your heart that we will find each other no matter what happens. God has planned the course and it is up to us to follow the directions. Don't worry, don't be afraid about getting lost, God saw to it that all the roads, no matter which one you choose to follow, lead to me.

My Ilocos Vacation: Day 1

this is my Ilocos Vacation series hehe! here are some of the things that happened in our 4-day vacation up north. just to give u a background, my mom's friend, Tita Rose, invited us with her family to have a vacation in Ilocos Norte. We were to stay at Sarrat and on the 3rd day would go to beach at Pagudpud..

well.. here it goes!!!!!! :D enjoy...

Image hosted by Photobucket.comok.. i've been waiting for this moment in my life.. having a 'real' summer vacation.. for years i've been rotting in my house haha doing repetitive stuff... it was boooorrinnnng!!!!!!! waah.. thank God for Tita Rose because she invited us with her family to Ilocos Norte and spend 4 days in vacation!!! YAHOOO!!!! swimming in Pagudpud too... the 'boracay of the North.'

we woke up around 2am because they would pick up us at around 3am.. after awhile we left our village around 3.30am.. during the trip, we prayed the Rosary and slept.. hehe! good thing i had my walkman with me.. by 6am.. we were already in Luisita, Tarlac.. we had breakfast at Jollibee.. i had Breakfast Steak! the 'burger steak' with egg.. then off to Ilocos again...

the trip was very long and tiresome.. we passed through Bulacan, Pampanga, Tarlac, Pangasinan, La Union, Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte. We had our lunch at around 10.30am at Chowking San Fernando, La Union.. i didn't enjoyed my lunch there.. it was the worst Chowking outlet i've ever been to.. the Braised Beef was not that delicious hehehe!! everyone else complained.. the place was chaotic too!

we arrived at Sarrat, Ilocos Norte at around 3pm.. after placing our things inside our room.. i chilled for a moment.. i was so tired. later in the evening, we had dinner at a relative's house of Tita Rose.. i didn't ate too much since i wasn't that hungry.. after that i returned home and texted some people to say 'hi's' too bad for my Sun Cellular, they didn't have a signal up north.. so i used my Globe number instead..

anyway that was my first day in Ilocos.. more things would happen in the next days.. :D

Friday, May 13, 2005

hot night at the FHM event

Image hosted by Photobucket.comwhew.. never thought i would still be breathing now after the event at the NBC TENT.. last night, me and my high school friends.. Ryan, Jonard, and Edward.. attended the Victory Party of FHM's 100 sexiest women in the World 2005.. at first we could not go inside coz we need special invites.. i thought 'shitt! We came for nothing!' haha! good thing, luck was on our side when we got to enter the place.. the events people just placed a stamp on our arms and gave us free copy of their magazines.. i got a T3 magazine, 'the Philippines' no.1 gadget mag' hehe!

Image hosted by Photobucket.comanyway we got inside.. i got to meet 2 guys too who collaborated with us so that they could get inside too.. after strolling inside the gardens, there were people going to the side entrance.. waaaah we could watch the event inside the tent yey!!! =) we were inside and there were many people.. waah it's so hot inside, the aircon can't take it anymore coz of the many people inside.. there were a lot of hot chics ramping on stage..
Asia Agcaoili was the emcee.. hot babes included Aubrey Miles, Miranda, Ethel Booba (?) haha!, Francine Prieto, Diana Zubiri, the Viva Hot Babes, and the Philippines' sexiest woman... ANGEL LOCSIN! whoohooo!!!!!! my crusshiiieeee! hehe =)

anyway, my night was so fun.. it was also hot.. hot chics parading in bikinis and near barenaked outfits haha!!! what more could a guy ask for?? :D

Thursday, May 12, 2005

an afternoon at Glorietta

hey wassup?! =) this afternoon i was with my friend, Jason at Glorietta 4. JM can't come coz his mom won't allow him anymore.. (sira kasi yun hahahah!) anyway, we met and we decided to watch 'Kingdom of Heaven.' the movie was great.. i liked the movie because it depicted the scenes during the Crusades.. u know me, i'm a history addict hehe!

after the movie, we ate at McDonalds and strolled around the mall.. and later we chilled at Starbucks.. awww Mocha Frappucino again! hehehe! yum!!!!

anyway, dats what happened lately.. i'm in Robinsons Galleria ryt now.. waiting for Ryan, Jonard coz we'll go to the FHM event at the NBC Tent at The Fort.

and also i'm working on the Ilocos vacation posts now.. i'll post it soon, so check more often.. take care guyz!!! =)

the return of the coolwave!

hey wassup? it's been a longggggggggggg.. really a long time since i've been posting some stuff in my blog.. i'm kinda confused too, in which blog site (hehe!) should i post my entries.. i have my blog set up at but i guess i'll start to move in here... :D

anyways, in the next couple of days (and i hope i could do it within this week) i'll post some entries regarding my Ilocos vacation! yey! upload some pix for u to drool on and wish u were with me that day haha! juz kiddin'

> i'm on my fourth year in DLSU.. POLSCI majors application i will do during the first day!!!
> i'm gonna be in GLORIETTA with Jason and JM.. were gonna watch a movie and hangout in the mall... i can't stand the summer heat! waaaah!!
> later at around 8pm, it's BOYS NIGHT OUT with Ryan, Jonard, Chip at the NBC Tent for the FHM event yey!! Hot babes! hehe!
> i was in Malate last time.. hehe!!!!!!! ang saya! hehehe!!!!!

well, this is a teaser for the moment.. check back soon! take care peepz! ciao!!!!!! :D