Tuesday, May 17, 2005

stranded at the mall..

waaah.. what a weather!!! first it was sunny and hot.. my sweat was dripping over my body..
and now.. rain?? wtf!!! waaaaah!!!

haaay.. i bought some stuff at Watsons today in Sta Lucia Mall.. shampoo, soap, deo, and Gardenia bread.. after i bought all the things that i needed (including my Globe and Sun load and internet), brownout struck.. ohh nooo!!!!!! it was raining hard!! waaaaaah! and commute lang ako... =(

anyway.. i'm gonna just chill out here at Netopia.. and chat my heartout hahaha!!!!

> yey!! lapit na ang screening ng "Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith' yey!!! =)
> yey!! lapit na rin pasukan.. sa may 23 na!!! Animo La Salle!

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