Saturday, July 09, 2005

the country is in dire straits

hey, its nice to be back again--blogging.. ive been silent for the past days.. so for those who have been avid fans of mine.. hahaha (kapal!) i'm back! at least for now..

well, you may have heard from the news lately about the country's situation lately.. it seems that the Opposition is once again plaguing our country again.. to be honest, i'm sick and tired of those ignorant and stupid people, trying to destroy our country once again.. calls for PGMA's resignation has been rampang just because of a 'phone call'.. i believe that the President has not done anything wrong in calling a COMELEC official regarding the status of her votes.. she doesn't say in those wiretapped tapes that she wants to cheat FPJ in the elections.. she merely wants to protect her votes.. to set the record straight, the time Mrs. Arroyo made those calls, the election returns and canvass of elections are already submitted to the Congress.. so, how else could Pres. Arroyo cheat in the elections.. and one more thing, HOW DARE ARE THEY--the opposition and critics--SPEAK OF MORAL ASCENDANCY in assuming office. DO YOU THINK THEY ARE THAT CLEAN TOO!!!!! you hyprocites!!! its like saying 'Who ever has not sinned cast the first stone!' tsktsktsk!!!

i believe that the PRESIDENT GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO is the duly elected President of the Republic and she won the election.. instead of political bickering and useless allegations, we FILIPINOS should unite with the President and help our country... TAMA NA! SOBRA NA! another PEOPLE POWER is a BIG NO!!! if you want to air your grievances, do it CONSTITUTIONALLY!!!! Adhere to the RULE OF LAW!!!! not make amok at the streets of Makati...

if you really love your country, i urge the Filipinos, especially the Filipino youth to think about it... I believe that the President is the ONLY ABLE PERSON to rule the country.. to the opposition, your hurting the country every now and then... stop the destabilization and use your heads...

well, that's what i believe in.. this is a free country you know..
comments? well, ur free to air them too!! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow that is the spirit! i agree with u i am a pro gma, she is smart indeed. i know we will surpass this crisis.. and animo la salle too! from ur family here in la salle college antipolo..