Thursday, November 03, 2005

gimme a break

hmm.. well it's been a long time since i last went to my blog.. i've been busy lately (am i?) in all those school work.. i've already expected this to happen since i'm on my second year in my political science majors.. i'm still thankful that i left comsci hahaha!!! instead of thinking of algorithms, C, Java, HTML, Oracle and all those geeky computer stuff, i get to learn about politics! haha!!!

what have i been doin' lately for the past weeks... STUDY, STUDY, and oh.. STUDY!!! how i wish i could graduate sooner but no, i have to wait for 2007!!! that's the consequence of shifting late hehe!!! anyway, it's ok.. i've been reading a lot of articles ranging from public administration,
to political theories... what's great is that we get to discuss about political issues and our opinions regarding the country's situation.. just earlier in my Comparative Politics class, we got to discuss about violent dissent and social revolution.. as usual, i was in the mood to recite in class.. haha (what a big show off am i! :p) well.. i did good especially reciting some instances in history (you all know that history is my specialty.. hehe!).. hmm what else.. i just finished reading the whole book entitled, Banishing Bureaucracy: Five Strategies in Reinventing Government and wrote a book report.. my god, it took me 3 weeks to read a 300-page book waaaah! and i did it all just last night! haha!!! nothing's impossible with me... :)

this week was the longest weekend i ever had.. since i got to attend class only Tuesdays and Thursdays, last Oct 31, Nov 1 and Nov 2.. i got to spend quality time at home... bumming around.. tomorrow, Nov 3 is a non-working holiday coz it's the end of Ramadan or Eid'l Fitr for our Muslim brothers.. because of the long weekends i have this 2nd term, i don't feel that i was attending school.. :)

that's it for now.. got to go.. anyway.. Christmas is just around the corner.. so better make that list and include me there hahaha!!! i want an iPod this Christmas... haha!!!!! ciao!

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Thank you, De La Salle Green Archers for a wonderful UAAP Season 68. You displayed to the crowd what is a heart of a champion. You showed courage and the will to fight the odds. You never gave up and you did your best. To the outgoing players, especially Joseph Yeo and Jun Cabatu, thank you for making us proud and to our alma mater.

To the FEU Tamaraws, congratulations! Job well done.

Until then in next years Season 69, De La Salle soar high!

Gracious in defeat.. Humble in victory..

Animo La Salle!

Picture from

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Animo shall prevail.

Just a few more hours and it will be the most important game of the De La Salle Green Archers this season. Tomorrow will be the Game 2 of the Finals and Far Eastern U sealed its first victory on Game 1. Again, let us support our team, our alma mater. Let's show them what the Animo is.

We are one. One La Salle.
Animo shall prevail.
Animo La Salle!
Photos taken by Ditoy Aguila (Source:

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Long Live the Animo!

Despite the loss of the Green Archers in last Thursdays game, it shouldn't stop us in achieving our goal, which is to bring GLORY to our Alma Mater, that is De La Salle. Let's support our alma mater this October 6--Game 2 of the Finals. Let the Animo flow in you! ANIMO LA SALLE!!!

Photos taken by Ditoy Aguila (Source:

DLSU Statement Re: UAAP Incident


De La Salle University-Manila regrets the incident which happened right after the first game of the UAAP Men's Basketball finals series at the Araneta Coliseum on 29 September 2005. Many persons witnessed the unsportsmanlike behavior of one official of our Men's Basketball Team. The incident was also captured on national television. We certainly will not condone any such act especially if it harms others. This incident does not reflect the values we stand for as an educational institution.

We apologize to Arwind Santos and the Far Eastern University community, to the other UAAP member-schools and to the general public. We will fully cooperate with the UAAP investigation of the incident and abide by their decision.

Mr. Manny Salgado has apologized to the DLSU community and has voluntarily withdrawn from the team.

Many of us witnessed how well-fought this game was and how it has brought out the best in both teams. We hope that this rivalry will remain a venue for bringing out the best among our teams and supporters.

Director, Sports Development Office

Executive Vice President, De La Salle University-Manila

President, De La Salle University System

Source: (

the day La Salle broke loose

hehe what a blog title entry? well, its not that really bad.. but for the people there in Morayta, its a different story.. the FXs are mad.. hella mad haha!!!

last thursday, September 28, was a day of infamy for La Salle.. we trailed for 14 points back at the first quarter but in the 2nd half, the FXs jumped back to life.. possibly loading up on new gas which obviously they had an empty tank at the first half.. then a three-point lead for the Green Archers gave the Lasallian community a boost of life in the dying minutes of the game.. then this big, tall FX driver pumped up a threy dat tied the game and a ball pass to the same driver that boost the scores to 75-73 in favor of the FXs..

but wait? what am i talking about?! well.. its the UAAP FINALS!! hahaha!!! its another duel between the defending champs, De La Salle Green Archers and the FX drivers of the 'Pamantasan ng Malayong Silangan'.. hahaha!!! what's fun during that day was i watched the games at the Central Plaza.. i wasnt able to watch it live coz i had classes until 4.10pm.. good thing Dr. Acosta of POLTONE, gave us a break and after listening to Plato for almost an hour, it was a relief to go and cheer for DLSU.. surprisingly, it was like watching the games live at the Big Dome.. the people were cheering, shouting, clapping and booing while watching the games on a widescreen projector installed by the Student Council (kuddos to them!).. despite the breakdowns of the VCR while we watched the game.. it was a great afternoon!!! people were cheering for DLSU.. that's the Animo!! :) what shocked us most was not the defeat of the Green Archers but by the incident started by this Salgado guy.. he hit the big, tall FX driver's head at the back.. and a melee started.. (what the waaah!!) he embarassed the whole Lasallian community.. what's worse? it was shown clearly in the TV.. haaay!!

despite the loss and the incident, it shouldnt dampened the Lasallian spirit.. there's still Game 2 (thursday, Oct 6).. let's support our alma mater.. We should held our heads up high.. and cheer for ol' De La Salle!!! ANIMO LA SALLE!!!

Hail, Hail, Alma Mater!
Hail to DE LA SALLE!
We'll hold your banner HIGH and BRIGHT.
A shield of green and white.
We'll FIGHT to keep your GLORY bright.
Hail to thee, our alma mater.

Note: Picture courtesy of (

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

first day funk again!

second trimester, sy 2005-2006 has officially commenced last monday, september 12.. but for me, i started my term last tuesday, september 13.. why? well, this term i'll only have to attend classes on tuesdays and thursdays only hahaha!!! cool right?! :p

this term i' taking up my political science majors.. hmm kinda hectic but with dedication and love for work (haha so montessorian!) i'll pass the term with flying colors (or a flying kick at the butt! whichever it may be..) from 8am until 4.10pm i'll be staying at ol' De La Salle with subjects ranging from Public Administration (PUBLICA) to Political Analysis (POLIANA).. the professors themselves are quite serious looking.. my first impression on them was they are strict and boring.. but when they presented themselves in class.. omg!!! they where cool!!! they give jokes and brag about being anti-GMA (well, the Political Science Dept of DLSU is for GMA's resignation *sigh!*).. the class was fun!!!

hmmm what else.. after class, i went to hangout with my friend, Vin at Starbucks Vito Cruz.. we chilled the night there with his 'girl' friend.. after that we went home.. the first day funk AGAIN! was quite great.. i'm looking forward to the second term..

by the way.. goodluck to the DE LA SALLE GREEN ARCHERS as they will play against our archrivals, the ATENEO BLUE EAGLES on thursday, sept 15..

Animo La Salle!

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

happy again

hey it's been a long time since i posted something.. again! i've said this over and over again that i'll post something.. anything. but it seems i was just too lazy to write something hehe!

well, it's official! trimestral break starts later after our Course Card Distribution. i'm in the Cybernook in the DLSU Library.. doin' nothing.. bored.. no one's with me waaah! i have to wait until 1.00pm to get the last two course cards in LBYBIOL and LITERA2. i got the first 3 already.. guess what?! i got high grades this term. (except for my LITERA2 though).

i already know some of my final grades since last week. My prefinal grades for GENDERS and LITERA2 where 2.5 and 2.0 respectively.. i took the Finals for GENDERS so that i could get a higher grade than 2.5, which i expect it to be 3.0 and 3.5. as for my LITERA2, haay.. what a big disappointment.. the lowest grade i got for the term! oh well.. that's life!

i'm vying once again for the Dean's List spot for the first term.. it's my goal every term and my ultimate goal for every school year since i shifted was to be a Consistent DL! haha! last Third Term SY 2004-2005 ruined the chance for the consistency.. i got a GPA of 2.967 waaah short of a few digits to 3.000.. too bad!!

but now i'm starting again to reach that goal.. i got off on the right track! i was really surprised with the outcome of grades.. never expected (really!) to get two 4.0's in BIOARTS and GENDERS! waah! actually, i don't need to get all course cards since the grades were already posted in My.LaSalle. but since i'm already here.. what the heck! i'll get them.. hehehe! here's outcome:

BIOARTS (Biology for Liberal Arts Students) - 4.0
GENDERS (Gender Studies) - 4.0
LBYBIOL (Laboratory for BIOARTS) - 3.0
LITERA2 (LIteratures of the World) - 2.0
PHILORL (Philosophy of Religion) - 2.5
Term GPA: 3.0417

well, the first term is over and i have achieved my DL goal for the term! yey! thanks to my family and friends for their never ending support hehe! and also to my profs for everything! yey!

Happy - Square Heads

One day, you came to me
Freed me from misery
I touched the music in you
You started to feel so happy
Makes me jump up and down
You know my heart gets a beat
Each time that we meet
I am so happy I met you

I am feeling so happy
I´m gonna go happy
You make me so happy
Can´t you see I´m happy now

One day, you said to me
Happy is where I wanna be
One plus one makes it two
That equals me and you
Each time we make love
Until the day I met you
All of my dreams came true
I am so happy I met you

I´m feeling so happy
I´m gonna go happy
I´m gonna be happy
Can´t you see I´m happy now

I know I want to be happy one day with you
Now I want to be happy with you my baby
My baby, my baby...

I´m gonna be happy
I´m gonna be happy
Can´t you see I´m happy now

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Taken during the DLSU-FEU UAAP Basketball game at the Araneta Coliseum, last Sunday August 21, 2005. With me are Daniel (center) and Jervin (right). Even though, La Salle didn't won the game, we enjoyed the intense close game and had a great time! :) Never lose hope.. Animo La Salle!

looking back

another term has passed in la salle's school year.. looking back one more time and it was full of fun and sadness as well..

for the fun side.. well i met new friends in class.. new subjects.. new experiences.. it was a good start for me.. its already my fourth year in DLSU.. i wished that i could've shifted earlier.. i would've been working by now but that's life.. everything happens for a reason they say..

for the sad part.. well personal issues have been running through my head lately.. sorry if i can't share to you guys out here but i could tell you personally.. :) soon, i'll be ok.. gary will be back soon!

well.. this thursday is my final exam in GENDERS.. goodluck for me then.. i want to pass this test so that i could get a higher grade in my subject.. wishes and prayers are welcome!

i'm quite excited for the fact that i'll be taking my majors in political science next term.. the second term.. it will be a more hectic term for me i suppose.. i guess i should make the most out of my trimestral break.. Hangout to the max and party till dawn with friends!

looking back again.. it was quite a good term for me! i wish for a brighter future ahead of me.. i hope for you guys as well! :D