Thursday, November 03, 2005

gimme a break

hmm.. well it's been a long time since i last went to my blog.. i've been busy lately (am i?) in all those school work.. i've already expected this to happen since i'm on my second year in my political science majors.. i'm still thankful that i left comsci hahaha!!! instead of thinking of algorithms, C, Java, HTML, Oracle and all those geeky computer stuff, i get to learn about politics! haha!!!

what have i been doin' lately for the past weeks... STUDY, STUDY, and oh.. STUDY!!! how i wish i could graduate sooner but no, i have to wait for 2007!!! that's the consequence of shifting late hehe!!! anyway, it's ok.. i've been reading a lot of articles ranging from public administration,
to political theories... what's great is that we get to discuss about political issues and our opinions regarding the country's situation.. just earlier in my Comparative Politics class, we got to discuss about violent dissent and social revolution.. as usual, i was in the mood to recite in class.. haha (what a big show off am i! :p) well.. i did good especially reciting some instances in history (you all know that history is my specialty.. hehe!).. hmm what else.. i just finished reading the whole book entitled, Banishing Bureaucracy: Five Strategies in Reinventing Government and wrote a book report.. my god, it took me 3 weeks to read a 300-page book waaaah! and i did it all just last night! haha!!! nothing's impossible with me... :)

this week was the longest weekend i ever had.. since i got to attend class only Tuesdays and Thursdays, last Oct 31, Nov 1 and Nov 2.. i got to spend quality time at home... bumming around.. tomorrow, Nov 3 is a non-working holiday coz it's the end of Ramadan or Eid'l Fitr for our Muslim brothers.. because of the long weekends i have this 2nd term, i don't feel that i was attending school.. :)

that's it for now.. got to go.. anyway.. Christmas is just around the corner.. so better make that list and include me there hahaha!!! i want an iPod this Christmas... haha!!!!! ciao!

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