Wednesday, July 27, 2005

ubreak blues

hmm.. it's July 27, 2005.. quite familiar isn't it? the number '27' waaah.. it was supposed to be our '2 months' but anyway.. i'm not gonna talk about it.. it just crossed my mind..

my morning was quite ok.. i woke early since its Wednesday.. guess what.. LBYBIOL (Biology Lab) again.. waah i have to be at school before 8.10am.. early stressor: PRINTER.. i hate my printer.. i had to print an 11-page short story for LITERA2 class.. it took me almost 15 minutes to print the darn reading.. paper got mixed up in the printing process.. grrrrrrr.... i was so irritated.. my beautiful morning was disrupted by a print job... (ggrgrrrr!) goodthing, i wasn't late for school though.. lots of UBELT students, as usual at the LRT2.. im seeing green.. the 'curtain-like' uniforms of FEU students hahahah! (no offense to them but, i hate the uniform hehehe i guess u too!)

anyways, intesting class earlier at LBYBIOL.. Urinalysis! WOAH! we were lik nursing students during that time.. examining someone's piss.. hahahaha!!! guess again.. yup! i gave my urine sample.. wahahaha! look at the findings:

Glucose: negative
Bilirubin: small/+
Specific gravity: 1.03
Blood: negative
pH: 6
Protein: +
Leucocytes: negative
Sperm: none (hahaha!!! not included in the results duh?!)

we had a funny discussion with Ms. Go on UTI and some 'piss' talk.. hahaha talk about class having fun and learning at the same time!!!
haay.. bored right now.. im at a net cafe at the UM.. i dunno where my friends are so i cant hangout with them.. and of course, its UBREAK!!! waaah.. my next class would be around 2.30pm.. so ummm.. dats it for now... "i wanna sleep! hehe!"

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